Peter Mathews Democrat For Congress - CA 42

Professor of American Government

Vote June 7, 2022 For The People's Democrat

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CEO lives in a mansion while a homeless lady lives in the street

Income and Wealth Inequality

Reduce Income Inequality to help the Working Poor and the Working Middle Class do better and achieve the American dream.

Peter Mathews believes that skyrocketing income and wealth inequality is destroying democracy in America and dismantling the working middle class. There is something profoundly wrong with the income distribution in the United States right now. It allows the top 1% to control the lives of the 99% in many ways.

The U.S. is the wealthiest country in the history of the world, but the majority of this wealth is owned and controlled by only a few individuals. The top 10% of Americans own and/or control 90% of the wealth in America. The United States currently has more income inequality than any other major developed country in the world. The richest Americans, who are corporate CEOs make 361 times the income of the average American worker. This gap is the widest its been than at any time since the 1920s. The top 0.1% owns as much wealth as the bottom 90%.

The system is fixed to benefit the billionaire class at the expense of everyone else. People working minimum wage jobs cannot sustain their families, and many people struggle with student loan debt for a long time after their graduation. 45 million American college students and college graduates have an average debt of over $33,654 each. The total student debt in the U.S. is $1.6 trillion, second only to the U.S. federal government debt!

As our Congressman, Peter Mathews will fight to benefit the middle and working classes by taxing billionaires, Wall Street, and large corporations. He will also close corporate tax loopholes and eliminate corporate welfare. Peter will use this money for programs that benefit the working poor and working middle classes: Tuition free college and technical and trade schools, smaller class sizes K-12, and for tax reductions on middle and lower incomes.

Peter will lead the effort in Congress to raise the federal minimum wage to a livable wage of $15 an hour by 2020, and to $20 an hour by 2025. In order to help small and medium businesses to pay their workers this higher wage, Peter Mathews will reduce taxes on small and medium businesses.

As our Congressman, Peter Mathews will work hard to guarantee working Americans annual paid vacations, on site child care, and parental leave. In Congress and outside Congress, Peter Mathews will work tirelessly to restore and expand the American middle class and to reduce income inequality in the United States.

42nd Congressional District of California

For U.S. Representative

Long Beach, Lakewood, Signal Hill, Bellflower, Downey, Huntington Park, Bell Gardens, Bell, Cudahy, Commerce, Maywood, Florence-Graham, Catalina Island, San Clemente Island, Walnut Park, Vernon [see map of district]

Peter Mathews Refuses money from corporate PACs and lobbyists. Join him by volunteering and donating $5

People Powered,

Not Corporate Bought!

Fighting for Environmental, Economic and Social Justice

Meet Peter Mathews

Educator Peter Mathews is running for Congress to rebuild an America that works for All of Us, the 99%, not just for Billionaires.

Peter Mathews envisions the role of government as a positive instrument in guaranteeing our unalienable Rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Peter Mathews signs the "No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge", also signed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Learn More

Peter Mathews signs the "No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge"

Peter Mathews pioneered the call for a Green Tech New Deal eight years ago. As our Congressman, Peter will take on big polluting corporations and lead the fight for today's Green New Deal inspired by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

On CNN Peter Mathews Challenges Trump on Labor, Environment, Trade, Asylum and Immigration Policies.

By taxing billionaires and closing corporate tax loopholes, Peter will fund governmental, as well as entrepreneurial Green Jobs and infrastructure that will transform America and the world, prevent climate and economic catastrophe, and reduce the huge gap between rich and poor.

Peter says, "We must move away from selfish, shortsighted policies that are destroying people's lives and our climate through Corporate Deregulation and Tax Cuts for the Rich started by Reagan and pumped up by Trump."

On KTLA-5 Peter Mathews tells Trump: Medicare for All Single Payer Healthcare, Fair Trade with High Wages and Strong Environmental Standards, and Immigrant Human Rights, are best.

Peter believes that we are all truly part of the same human family. In Congress, he will continue his life-long fight for equal treatment with human dignity for all. Inside and outside Congress, Peter Mathews will fight against prejudice, discrimination, and unequal treatment based on race/ethnicity, social class, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, religion and age.

In foreign affairs, Peter Mathews says we should move away from policies of unnecessary military interventionism that are driven by the Military-Industrial-Complex. U.S. foreign policy should be based on international cooperation guided by economic, environmental and social justice for the working people of all nations.

On CNN, Peter Mathews, author of Dollar Democracy on Steroids, calls for Congress to proceed with Trump impeachment.

Peter Mathews declares his candidacy for Congress at Climate Strike 2019 to combat Climate Change.